‘THAT’, an initiative of Rukun Creative Exchange aimed to rediscover our deeper identities individually and collectively through talks, workshops and discussions.

Through this initiative we started our Tribal Talks bringing together creatives from all fields in Saudi to discuss challenges, needs and opportunities.

From there we started an instagram page as a way to continue the conversation.

That is yourself, beyond your identities, making the journey to discover what you do not know yet. 

A creative listening platform that leverages the powers of intuition and analysis, unlimited curiosity, the capability to challenge conventional wisdom and rethink the world around us to collect all the unexpected treasures and insights that will help us look at the problem from a new, original angle 

The asked questions that spark imagination and creativity, generating a rich pallet of observations, weak signals, inspiration, needs and insights into our inner self, purpose, values, visions goals and motivations.




Night Valet